Number 1 rule in this blog is that the entries will never be too personal. I won't be posting any personal stuff in here. This is my blog and I'll make this one just shallow enough. Why? Because this is me and i prefer to. =p
My hair is so in tune with the season, it's hideous. lol. I so need a haircut and i'm so gonna have it by tomorrow if the salons are open. i freakin look older than i really am. i used to complain about my hair because it's so thick and course and dry but now it's worse --kinky and i hate it. i wanted to have a rebond but i think i need to have it cut first because there's just too much split ends and they're like everywhere. gaawd. i wish God had given me a thin and straight hair so i don't have to waste time wonderin what to do with my hair next. Honestly, I really like the long hair thing and i'm not yet ready to let go. =(
Anyhow, i got my cellphone back. yey!! People at Nokia Care installed a new version of Symbian software.
I may have not forgiven them for irrelevantly dissecting my phone but what the heck, it's still under warranty until next year. Before they installed an SMS accelerator,it takes my cellphone just about 2 minutes before it can send a message but now it's just like seconds or so. Yep, my phone was really that troubled before.

anyways, have you heard of the band Tegan and Sara? I heard their song Don't Confess in OTH and now i'm constantly hearing them in the first season of Grey's Anatomy. I think they're really really good and I so love their songs. Unfortunately, I can't download any of their songs from mIRC (only few can distinguish good music) and I think they're not commercially out on music bars. =(