Thursday, May 10, 2007
Potential employee?
it's lunch break already. i've finished my lunch so now i'm blogging.

yesterday, an HR officer from the company where i'm having my OJT called me through my phone and asked whether i'm interested to work in their company. i said " no, i'm not interested since i'm already having my OJT in your company". She said in a sarcastic tone "you don't want work with us?". I thought she just confused my OJT application with an employment application that's why I said no.

Suddenly I realized that she was asking if I'd like to join them as soon as a graduated. I said, "I'm interested and what should I do?". She then interviewed me through the phone and the conversation lasted for about 8 minutes. Before we hung up she told me that I should expect someone to call for the next step.

Honestly, what did I feel? Well, I feel flattered that they had actually recognized me as a potential employee in their company.

Did I feel excited? No, not a bit. Why? Because I get nausea everytime I think about my future. It's like my chest is ripping apart and my stomach's turning upside down. I still have one more year in college and why won't some people just let me enjoy that instead of letting me worry about future jobs or careers.

I think I should worry about my thesis first.


posted by yhan at 12:45 PM | Permalink |