Friday, April 27, 2007
See you in a while.
Forgive me for not updating this blog just yet. I am currently having my internship and I don't know when will I go back to my normal life. You know, my normal college life. Like when I go to school in the afternoon then go back home in the evening. I also miss my regular weekly schedule that is Tuesday to Saturday. For three whole years that's the schedule I'm used to.

Obviously, I can't write on office hours. Neither can I at home because as soon as got home, I am loathing the sight of my desktop or laptop. So there.

If you're wondering where I am right now, I'm at the office. Cyberslacking I guess.

Anyways, I will most definitely write here in the weekend. If our threesome to Puerto will permit.

So, see yah.


posted by yhan at 8:59 AM | Permalink |