Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Truth is..
Sometimes I feel so differently about the events in my life that I even write them and give the people who visit this blog the satisfaction of thinking that they have a single bit of idea about ME.

To you who think of me the way you wanted to-- go ahead, if it makes you happy then let me nurture that satisfaction. After all, mudane facts are all it takes for a person to go though his/her life.

Let me just say this once and for all. I am way too complicated. Way too complicated for this blog. Way to complicated even for me. I am indecisive and unpredictable. Maybe, I keep on obsessing about the obscurities of my life but that doesn't mean I would trade it for anything in this world. Right? :)

Just so you know, this entry is not hateful nor angry. It's just me giving you an idea so the next time you visit this blog, you might wanna do some rethinking. That is if you decide to revisit. :)
posted by yhan at 12:44 AM | Permalink |