Earlier this day, we ate at a restaurant, well not exactly a restaurant as much as a fastfood chain, called Top Eats. It is located at the second floor of the UST carpark area.
One of my resolutions is to watch I eat that's why I ended up ordering a waffle. It's not your ordinary waffle stuffed with chicken or tuna or hotdog or whatever it is. Actually, I hate those kind of waffles. The ones they sell at those popular waffle carts. Chicken waffle? That is so gross. I hate chicken on my pasta and even more on my waffle.
I am really trying to keep that resolution so there I was, eating my Slammin' Strawberry Waffle while 5 of my classmates were eating sisig, topsilog and korean barbecue.
Aside from the fact that my waffle tastes heavenly, it only cost me 50 pesos ($1). That is the cheapest on their menu. One of my classmates ordered a carbonara and it cost her 95 pesos ($2) just for that litle micro mini small serving. I'm like, this costs 95 pesos? Are they kidding? It's either they had a mistake on handing that very small serving or they really are overpricing.
If you are a thomasian, you might wanna pay them a visit. They are located at the second floor of the carpark.
Note: my day ends with waffle, baked macaroni with garlic bread stick, softdrinks (OMFG, I did drink softdrinks earlier. How come I didn't notice? Oh well, that would be the last.. I freaking promisssssssse.) and coffee shoved into my stomach. Now that is what I call a freakin fool's diet.
At the end of the day, there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear, and some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say. They're what you do. Some things you say because you have no other choice. Some things you keep to yourself. And not too often, but every now and then, some things simply speak for themselves. - Dr. Meredith Grey