"EH PUTANGINA MO PALA EH", thats's what I said to her. I wasn't able to finish the last syllable because my mom interupted me saying "HOOY!". That's when I realized she had a visitor who also heard my uber solid "PUTANGINA MO".
It was just an expression and I didn't mean it literally. Of course, I won't.
After her visitor left she told me to next time check if she has a visitor or none before I speak profanely.
Come on, if I had known that her friend was there I wouldn't go on speaking that way. Why speak vulgarly when you know that you would embarass yourself? Or WHY NOT? why not when it's better for people to know who you really are especially at home. Wherein you have a big chance of being liked (or not) because you are yourself.
Besides, it's just a simple tiny word that everybody loves to say.. "poootangina". I didn't kill an unborn fetus for crying out loud.
nakakahiya daw ako.. oh come on!
Labels: Rants