Wednesday, April 04, 2007
No one can mess with my internship
I thought my upcoming internship this summer wil be so much fun. Because of my excitement, I started buying a few corporate shirts and some shoes to match them. But when I opened my messenger this evening, there was an offline message from one of my classmates saying that there will be some changes. Instead of the girly one, we will have the guy instructor as our OJT coordinator slash adviser.

Suddenly it hit me right in the head. I just realized I'm doomed. You see this guy instructor, gave me two , not just one, but two failing grades last year. Both for the lecture and laboratory. It doesn't end there. Only this semester, I was supposed to fail the subject he's handling. I got 57, and the passing was 60. Me and my classmates just realized that his computations were wrong. So upon changing the computation, turns out that I am the only one, the only one who was still left failed. According to his computation, I got 59. I asked if we could compromise, gladly he agreed. But asking him that kind of thing was not easy. It felt like I'm a criminal who was facing the wrath of my victim, when in fact I am the victim.

From that moment, I realized that I should not take studies for granted. Not at least the subject he's handling. As far as I know, I am not the stupidest student there is but how come I was the only one left failed? So there, I've come to so many theories but everything was summed up to the thought that he does not like my guts or whatever.

But really you know what, I will make this the best internship I will have in my life. Regardless of whoever the coordinator is. =)

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posted by yhan at 10:53 PM | Permalink |